
We are improving people’s lives with the world’s best delivery. We’re making delivery more affordable and accessible for communities all over America. Since our start in 2017, Kiwibot has made over 30’000 deliveries, built over 150 robots, and is now serving college communities in the top universities around the country.


We treat every delivery as if it we were delivering for our mom – with meticulous care and dedication.

Our robots deliver cheaper and faster than other delivery services, empowering you to get whatever you want, whenever you want.


Our adorable robots – an icon on many campuses – have bought joy to thousands.

They’re here to improve your life whilst also reducing the congestion caused by delivery cars. We’re making cities more livable and friendly for the people whom matter – you.


Thanks to our cutting edge behavioral neural network, the Kiwibots are able to mesh seamlessly within the fabric of our sidewalks.

Kiwibots ensure the safety of those whom matter – our friends, family and neighbors – thanks to incredible technologies like Smart Brake and Street Crossing Mode.