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A robot that helps physically-handicapped children get around and play

MekaMon V2 Gaming Robot

A real life battle-bot with AR capabilities

Samsung Bot Retail

A personal shopping robot

Samsung Bot Air

A self-operating, air-purifying robot

Samsung Bot Care

Companion robot specialized in managing the health and life of user who needs care


One Part Hardware, One Part Software, Packed with Technology


A nimble robot that handles objects, climbs stairs, and will operate in offices, homes and outdoors


He looks, listens and learns


The personal robot

Roomba 980

The robot vacuum gives you cleaner floors, throughout your entire home, all at the push of a button


HEXA is a six-legged robot. A robot inspired by nature


Humanoid robot with penguin flipper arms and a touchscreen heart

Anki Vector

The Home Robot With Interactive AI Technology

Science moves fast!

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